Thursday, January 12, 2012 by
IIS 7 Rapid Fail Protection
If you do not already know, Rapid Fail Protection is feature within IIS7 that is on by default. It basically is there to check for a specified number of hard failures in a given time period, again the default is 5 failures within 5 minutes. If a hard failure that occurs meets this default setting, then the Application Pool will crash and does not automatically restart. The only way to get it going again is to manually start it.
If this does happen for you, in IIS Manager you would see a little stop symbol next to the name and it would also say stopped under Status (depicted below).
If this does happen for you, in IIS Manager you would see a little stop symbol next to the name and it would also say stopped under Status (depicted below).
When this sort of problem occurs an entry is written to the Event Logs (usually under System), which IIS 7 does a little better of a job properly reporting errors. You will most likely also get a 503.2 - Service unavailable error when trying to access the Application Pool.
Personally I think this is a great feature, if it did not exist a broken application/service could crash > restart > crash > restart etc.. taking up all your system resources. This Rapid Fail Protection will at least stop that from happening, 5 errors in 5 minutes seems a bit long but luckily you can edit this (or it appears you can). In IIS Manager select the Application Pool in question and click Advanced Settings to the right. You will see a window like the below picture, scroll down to Rapid Fail Protection and you can disable it or change the frequencies.
It let me change it so I am assuming it will keep those settings, I have not personally tested this yet. One last note, I would only disable this setting or really mess with it at all if its for a development/test server where you know you will be breaking things enough to cause this to go off.
I have resolved - Automatically app pool stop.
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