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bulk-url-checker and Is there a URL validator on .Net

It you do a lot of SEO work, you’ve undoubtedly needed to check the server response on a URL before, right? We used to do it frequently, and often had a large batch of URL’s to check. We couldn’t find an online tool to check a whole batch, so I had a tool built.
When working on a website that’s been around for years, there can be all sorts of redirect going on, or even 404 pages that you don’t know about, and that can frustrate your best efforts.
Simply paste a list of URL’s here, one on each line, with no other characters, and wait. The more you paste, the longer it will take, but in the end, it will save you a lot of time and energy.


You can use the Uri.TryCreate to validate an URL:
public bool IsValidUri(string uri)
    Uri validatedUri;
    return Uri.TryCreate(uri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out validatedUri);
The comments suggest that TryCreate just moves the exception handling one level down. However, I checked the source code and found that this is not the case. There is no try/catch inside TryCreate, it uses a custom parser which should not throw.


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