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Showing posts from January, 2014

IIS 7.0 Output Caching

Introduction Web content can be divided into two categories: static content and dynamic content. Static content does not change from request to request. The content that gets returned to the web browser is always the same. Examples of static content include HTML files, JPG or GIF files. The other is dynamic content. This is the response that gets generated for dynamic content changes with every request. Examples include ASP.NET or PHP content. There is a big range between these two categories which includes semi-dynamic content. Imagine a dynamic ASP.NET page that executes a database query. There is no reason to execute this query on every request if the underlying database tables change infrequently. The IIS Output Caching feature targets semi-dynamic content. It allows you to cache static responses for dynamic requests and to gain tremendous scalability.  Refer :

bulk-url-checker and Is there a URL validator on .Net It you do a lot of SEO work, you’ve undoubtedly needed to check the server response on a URL before, right? We used to do it frequently, and often had a large batch of URL’s to check. We couldn’t find an online tool to check a whole batch, so I had a tool built. When working on a website that’s been around for years, there can be all sorts of redirect going on, or even 404 pages that you don’t know about, and that can frustrate your best efforts. Simply paste a list of URL’s here, one on each line, with no other characters, and wait. The more you paste, the longer it will take, but in the end, it will save you a lot of time and energy. ==================================================== You can use the   Uri.TryCreate   to validate an URL: public bool IsValidUri ( string uri ) { Uri validatedUri ; return Uri . TryCreate ( uri , UriKind . RelativeOrAbsolute , out validatedUri ); } ...

CDN - Speed your site

What is a CDN? A Content Delivery Network is a caching service that serves up your images, JS, CSS, HTML from a geographically distributed network of servers. When a user request your site, the CDN serves up the content from the closest location to cut down on load time. Let's say you have a file on your server a trace route can show you the steps that it takes a particular user, on their internet connection to request that file from your server. When a request for a specific file is made by a user, the server closest to that user (in terms of the minimum number of nodes between the server and the user) is dynamically determined. This optimizes the speed with which the content is delivered to that user. When on a CDN, the steps are reduced because (hopefully) they are closer to your location, AND they're serving a cached copy of your file so that the request load is not on your server.   http://Geographically Locat...